Leslie's Random Thoughts

Life according to Leslie! Daily thoughts, and random stories about real life, and everyday issues, as seen through the eyes of an ordinary person.

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Location: Aurora, Colorado, United States

I have always enjoyed writing, and I used to keep a journal, but now that I have been married for 10 years, and have two kids, I don't have the time to sit down and write. I have come to realize, I have not been getting the outlet I need, so I began sending a random thought to my friends and family each morning. I have discovered new things about myself, my friends, my family, and about life!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Something of Value

It is Thursday.
Not Friday, Thursday. I awoke this morning, and could have swore it was Friday. I, again, have been tricked by my own mind.
Inspirational thought of the day:
Sunset is an hour for quiet reflection. There can be no replay of the day, except in fleeting memory. There can be no rewriting of the script etched upon these hours. With the indelible ink of eternity there has been inscribed upon the page of this eternal sheet of time either something of value, or only what is vain.
The weather has finally turned to wonderful spring, almost summer, weather. I love it. Makes me feel like starting over. I am ready to dig in the dirt and plant my container plants, and hang lovely colored baskets all around.
Of course, day dreaming about being outside in the dirt, does nothing for my motivation at work. But it seems I am not the only one in this boat. Everyone has been sneaking out early, taking long lunches, coming up with any excuse to steal away from the office.
Each day I listen to Joey talk about karate on Tuesdays, and Swim class on Saturday's and he waits for each day to be over so he can get to hang out with Sensei Paul or kick and splash at the pool. He measures time by the activities he loves to do. So it made me think, when did I go from measuring my life by my activities that I love, to measuring it by minutes, hours, and days. Seems so much more boring.
You get old, you get boring. I think it's the light bulbs at work, sucks the life out your eyeballs and you forget what really is important.
You blink, it is all a memory, need to remember that each moment really does count.


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