Leslie's Random Thoughts

Life according to Leslie! Daily thoughts, and random stories about real life, and everyday issues, as seen through the eyes of an ordinary person.

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Location: Aurora, Colorado, United States

I have always enjoyed writing, and I used to keep a journal, but now that I have been married for 10 years, and have two kids, I don't have the time to sit down and write. I have come to realize, I have not been getting the outlet I need, so I began sending a random thought to my friends and family each morning. I have discovered new things about myself, my friends, my family, and about life!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Flat Tire

I am not a big fan of car maintenance. I don't enjoy it, it makes me nervous to think something could go wrong with my vehicle at any time. I don't like to be stranded or rely on anyone, not to mention, paying my friendly mechanic, Ken, a small fortune every time I see him, is not my idea of a good time.
I'm not sure if this is karma, or if I have rotten luck, or I drive by a screw and nail factory, but I have had TWO flat tires in one week. As a matter of fact, in less then 72 hours.
Wednesday, I left work, got to school to pick up the boys, and walk out, two kids in tow with diaper bags, backpacks and homework, and I have a flat tire. Now I don't have a nail in the tire, I have a screw in the tire, and it was rather big. It had to have been made to hold the Hoover Damn together. And yes, this thing is in my tire.
We knew that we were at the end of our life cycle with the tires on the soccer-mom-mini-van, but were hoping to wait until Spring to get new ones. My husband, being the hero he is, rescued the boys and I with a can of Fix-a-Flat. He then took the van to Discount Tire, where he got a smokin' deal on 4 slightly used tires.
I am in heaven! Soccer-mom-mini-van rides better, no slipping and sliding in the snow, it's been really nice! Until today. I go to lunch with a friend and I walk out and I think, hmmm, that tire looks low.
No kidding low, the stupid tire is flat! So as I stand there, looking at this dumb tire, thinking I am having a dream, I pull out the extra can of fix-a-flat only to find that the can is frozen. Of course it's frozen. It's only been negative 100 degrees here, what doesn't freeze?
My lovely friend was nice enough to take me back to work, while my van stays on a long lunch break at Chipotle. So I'll leave work early today, a wonderful co-worker of mine will be my hero and take me back to my wounded vehicle with a new can of fix-a-flat, so I can take the soccer-mom-mini-van back to Discount Tire. Where I may proceed to throw a fit, I can't be sure yet. It's almost too funny to cry, but I may give them a stern talking to....maybe.
I can guarantee one thing, I will be stopping at the liquor store on my way home from the tire store today.


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