Leslie's Random Thoughts

Life according to Leslie! Daily thoughts, and random stories about real life, and everyday issues, as seen through the eyes of an ordinary person.

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Location: Aurora, Colorado, United States

I have always enjoyed writing, and I used to keep a journal, but now that I have been married for 10 years, and have two kids, I don't have the time to sit down and write. I have come to realize, I have not been getting the outlet I need, so I began sending a random thought to my friends and family each morning. I have discovered new things about myself, my friends, my family, and about life!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Common Sense: Don't Sharpen Your Finger

The curiosity kids have is amazing. It is also funny.
It's almost like kids have to learn common sense, it's not something they are born with. Curiosity on what might happen dominates the common sense factor.
For example, Joey is an artist. He colors on every piece of paper he can find. Whether it is notebook paper, construction paper, blank paper, or sticky notes, he will color on it. He loves pencils, pens, markers, crayons, paint, and anything that will make a mark on paper.
Joey has several boxes of pencils. Pencils in every pencil holder, cup, zipper bag, crayon holder, everywhere, is a Joey pencil. Superman, Halloween, Easter, and plain old No. 2 pencils. If it can be sharpened, he has it.
Last night, after he sharpened his pencil to do his homework, he found it necessary to sharpen the other 45 that were unsharpened in his box downstairs. Of course this was all an effort to not have to clean up the mess he had made the day before with all the toys.
After what seemed like 100 reminders of what he supposed to be doing, not coloring, but picking up, he comes over to dad, saying he is bleeding. The way he approached dad made you think it was serious. I'm bleeding, I'm cut, on and on. Of course, to our amazement, he has hardly a nick on him and presses us for a band aid. To no avail do we give him a band aid, so he wraps his tiny finger with a tissue. Of course, he can't possibly pick up all the toys with one hand. His finger hurts and he can't use it.
What did you do to your finger Joey? Paper cut, did you poke it with the pencil, what did you do?
"I tried to sharpen my nail with my pencil sharpener." Yes, that's right, my 4 year old tried to sharpen his finger with his pencil sharpener. Now common sense should have said, don't do it, it's a SHARPENER, but the curiosity of turning his finger nail into a pencil point shape was too overwhelming.
Still wounded, still whining, still holding the massive kleenex on a gaping wound no bigger than an eyelash, he managed to get over it and pick up the toys with one hand. This morning, as we are getting ready, he kept pointing out that his finger was hurt. "I shouldn't put my finger in the pencil sharpener." Joey said, while he delicately held his mortal wound to his chest.
Good idea! Common sense here we come! Joey has many "what were you thinking" moments, and I am sure we will see many more, I just hope the little common sense lessons he learns while sharpening his fingers or putting snow melt rock salt in his mouth, stick with him!


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