Leslie's Random Thoughts

Life according to Leslie! Daily thoughts, and random stories about real life, and everyday issues, as seen through the eyes of an ordinary person.

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Location: Aurora, Colorado, United States

I have always enjoyed writing, and I used to keep a journal, but now that I have been married for 10 years, and have two kids, I don't have the time to sit down and write. I have come to realize, I have not been getting the outlet I need, so I began sending a random thought to my friends and family each morning. I have discovered new things about myself, my friends, my family, and about life!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Life Lessons in 28 Valentine Cards

Listening to some nice tunes at work, trying to make the time pass. I have a ton of work to be done, but not much motivation to see to it that it gets done.
It's Valentines Day and there have been at least 500 vases in my travels in the office at work, non of which have been for me, but I am ok with that. Not that I would turn down 14 dozen red roses or a bushel of daisies, but I am ok if I don't get them. Either way, I still have a Valentine, and each day I am glad to have him in my life.
The boys' school is having a Valentines Party, a bunch of cute kids running around all day covered in Valentine cards and overloaded on those chalky-candy-heart candies. But fun for them right?
Joey and I prepared 28 lovely Valentine cards, each one he wrote his name on, toward the end, I had to help, because writing his name 28 times was a lot of work, so he said.
Each lovely dog or cat inspired Valentine got a very nice Valentine pencil and baggie of mini M&M's. As Joey and I sat there for almost an hour, he managed to get his name on all 28. He then taped each pencil to each individual Valentine card, then I would tape the bag of M&M's to it. Joey, loves the prospect of using, or being near tape, and was thrilled he got to use the tape dispenser to tape on all 28 pencils. Of course after about 10, Joey says to me, "This looked like it was going to be fun." Of course, anything that has tape and some sort of cutting device has to be fun.
"It's not fun?" I asked. "Yeah, it's fun, it's just a lot of hard work. More work than I thought it would be." He said with a sigh.
I love when my child learns life lessons, I love it more when he learns life lessons from what I would consider a semi-meaningless task. My son doesn't go to work or mow the lawn, yet. He doesn't do laundry or shingle the roof. He hasn't had to get up early to make money to pay the bills or he hasn't yet experienced the real world, or what its like to work really hard on a 30 page paper to have your professor call it crap. His experience is limited to his short pre-school career, what he learns from us, and what he picks up on TV. So hard work for him is something I never would have thought about.
"It's hard work huh? Well you'll have fun tomorrow and all your classmates will love them." I told him.
He made me laugh and smile. It made it much more of a fun activity than the nuisance I thought it was. I was too busy being wrapped up in the day to day, to even have the desire to be helping with a bunch of dumb Valentines. But in the end I again, learned a life lesson too. It's not the activity, its how you look at, and who helps you, that makes it worth while.
Hopefully today, as he is switching Valentines around and he has fun at the party, he'll realize how hard work can pay off. How if you do something nice for someone else, you'll get it back to you 28 fold.
Or he could come home, completely strung out on mini M&M's and the whole lesson is completely wasted by a visit or two to the time out chair!!
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY ALL! Tell the ones you love that you love them, no matter what day it is.


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