Stair Crazy
Today was the 2nd time I tackled the stairs with her. This is not an easy task, 11 flights of stairs, 23 or so stairs on each flight, I think that is like 3,000 stairs or something. My math has never been good, but it is definitely enough to bring me down to my knees whimpering in agony.
My legs are like gello, my heart is beating thru my chest and I am sure the blood that has been forced thru my body has caused a small hemorrhage in my brain. Despite all this and the shaking arms and labored breathing, I am alive. My lungs burn, and even my fingers hurt, probably because I pull half of my weight up the stairs by using the hand rail. What was I thinking? I knew I should have invested in lipo or some sea kelp wrap that sucks the fat out of your pores in as little as 2 visits.
My fondness for this friend of mine is slowly diminishing, especially after we get to the top and I am close to a coma, and she is hardly breathing. This is no good for me. I may have to add a 20 pound weight to her when she's not looking. Our goal is a least twice a week, and eventually getting to a point where we don't stop. I need to stop on each flight, due to the fact that my body hates me. So we may hit our goal in 2015.
I may need to call in sick tomorrow and Friday so I don't have to do the stairs again this week, and next week I may come in with crutches, just so she can't even suggest we do the stairs. OR I could suck it up and maybe one day buy some skinny jeans. I think the crutches is a better option, I can't afford skinny jeans anyway.
I do know that I am now going to bring my cell phone with me on these torturous journey's, just in case I need to call 911 from the 3rd floor to rescue my butt from the stairwell.
Thanks to Jennifer for making my life a tiny bit more interesting!